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Authority Line Charts - All Years
STHC Pupil Travel Distance & Mode Analysis

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How Is This Calculated? The following usual modes of travel have been recorded for the  total pupil journeys either to or from  and the Authority as a whole:-

Pupil Count by Mode of Travel
Pupil Count by Mode (% of All Pupils)
Total & Average "Actual" Travel Distances

How Is This Calculated? The following total "Actual" Travel distances have been calculated for the  pupil journeys either to or from  and the Authority as a whole:-

Total Travel Distance (km)
Total Travel Distance (% of All Distance)
Average Travel Distance (km)

How Is This Calculated? The following CO2 emissions have been calculated for the  out of  total pupil journeys either to or from  involving motorised transport:-

Total Annual Carbon Footprint (kg CO2)
Per Pupil Annual Carbon Footprint (kg CO2)

How Is This Calculated? The total calories burned by pupils during the  out of  total pupil journeys either to or from  involving non-motorised transport have been calculated as follows:-

Total Annual Calories Burned (kCal)
Per Pupil Annual Calories Burned (kCal)

How Is This Calculated?As part of the routine pupil travel distance analysis process we determine the nearest school that a pupil could possibly attend given their national curriculum year group, and compare this with the school they actually attend. For   the results have been as follows:-:-

Pupils Attending their Nearest School
Pupils Living within Walk Threshold